Welcome to the forum of a Christian Conservative Lady from Colorado (and some of her friends). Posts will be political, religious, fun & cute or whatever strikes our fancy. And just a way for us all to keep in touch. We hope this place becomes a place of discussion, friendship and research of all things political and religious.
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Liberals just don't make sense

Over on Twitchy there was a thread on the Pro-Abortion protesters making their small children carry signs that said "If I wanted the government in my womb I'd f*ck a Senator". You can see what I'm talking about here.

In the comments section a Disqus commenter posting under the name CR posted one of the most brilliant dissections of liberal "thought" I've read in a while and I flat out told them I'd be stealing it.

Here it is:

  • "I don't want the government in my womb."
  • Ten minutes later: "The government had d*mn well better pay for my birth control."
  • Fifteen minutes later: "Keep government funding for Planned Parenthood."
  • Twenty minutes later: "The government better stay out of my sex life."
  • Twenty five minutes later: "The government better guarantee my right to get gay married!"
  • Half hour later: "Mothers deserve the right to murder all unwanted children no matter how long it takes them to decide the child is unwanted!"
  • 35 minutes later: "If a complete ban on gun saves even one child, we MUST do it!"
  • 40 minutes later: "The government should stay out of it and let a woman choose."
  • 45 minutes later: "Sorry for the confusion, I of course did not mean choose whether she wants to carry a gun, where her children should go to school, whether to invest in government-mandated "retirement insurance" (aka social security) or whether to buy health insurance. I just meant choose whether to murder her child or not."
  • An hour later: "People who homeschool their children are messing up their kids. Now come on my six-year-old-daughter, grab your sign saying you want to F*ck a senator and let's go join the angry mob threatening lawmakers at the capital." 

  • "Why Yes, I am a stupid and morally bankrupt liberal who sees no disconnect in any of my illogical positions. Why do you ask?"

Not only is liberal "thought" disconnected from reality, its disconnected from itself.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Clackamas Mall Shooter was stopped by CCW holder

I'm sure the national news media will do their very best to sweep this down the memory hole, but the truth is that an armed society is safer than a disarmed one.

The media and the Democrats are going to work overtime to spin the Connecticut school shooting into a reason to eliminate our Second Amendment rights. The end result will be MORE dead people, not less, but they aren't going to try to ban guns to make us safer, they wish to ban them to make THEM safer from us.

Source (with KGW News 8 Portland news report video)

Clackamas man, armed, confronts mall shooter

PORTLAND -- Nick Meli is emotionally drained.  The 22-year-old was at Clackamas Town Center with a friend and her baby when a masked man opened fire.
"I heard three shots and turned and looked at Casey and said, 'are you serious?,'" he said.
The friend and baby hit the floor.  Meli, who has a concealed carry permit, positioned himself behind a pillar.
"He was working on his rifle," said Meli.  "He kept pulling the charging handle and hitting the side."
The break in gunfire allowed Meli to pull out his own gun, but he never took his eyes off the shooter.
"As I was going down to pull, I saw someone in the back of the Charlotte move, and I knew if I fired and missed, I could hit them," he said.
Meli took cover inside a nearby store.  He never pulled the trigger.  He stands by that decision.
"I'm not beating myself up cause I didn't shoot him," said Meli.  "I know after he saw me, I think the last shot he fired was the one he used on himself."
The gunman was dead, but not before taking two innocent lives with him and taking the innocence of everyone else.
"I don't ever want to see anyone that way ever," said Meli.  "It just bothers me."

An open letter to today's youth.

Dear "Sorry generation",

I am sorry that no one ever said "no" to you. We plied you with video games to keep you quiet. A lot of those games were so violent that you might of been traumatized but we never said no to you because we wanted you to "fit in" or maybe we just wanted to be your "friend" instead of your parent.

Sorry that we gave everyone an award at the sports event. You missed a basic lesson in pride and achievement, that even if you weren't the star player, you could have tried harder, like Michael Jordan did after he was cut from his freshman basketball team. We all have adversity- but you wouldn't know that, because we indulged in the sense of entitlement that you felt you were "owed". You'll never know that sense of accomplishment when you "beat the odds".

Sorry that we allowed you to participate in "social media"- it left you with no social skills and no real friends. We stopped showing you after school specials w/morality lessons- because we didn't want to "impose" our morals. We mocked guys like Tim Tebow and idolized Charlie Sheen. We bred you on witches, vampires, ghost and zombies and then wonder why you don't respect human life.

Sorry we never made you say the "Pledge of Allegiance". The lesson was less about "under God" and more about that a pledge was your bond and allegiance was loyalty- both qualities you lack.

We should have taught you to be pro choice. Pro choice, not referring to abortion but that no matter what has been done to you- you have a CHOICE to be moral, decent, ethical person.

Sorry we have become a society that blamed everything from conservatives, liberals, immigrants, native peoples, gays, straights, the rich, the poor, wifi, dial up, doctors,police, lawyers, comedians, actors, athletes, and even Emeniem for the problem.

We searched for answers that were right in front of us.

We failed you and now YOU are the problem.

(source unknown)